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2022年12月05日 11:39:55      来源:江苏六重重型机床有限公司 >> 进入该公司展台      阅读量:8






Three methods of removing defects in plate bending machine

(1) interface signal view: after using the programmable bending machine operator to view the interface signal of the machine tool control system, and compared with the correct signal of the interface manual, also can find out the corresponding fault point.

(2) instrument measurement: when the bending machine system defects, the use of conventional bending machine electrical testing instruments, things, according to the system circuit diagram and machine tool circuit diagram of the fault part of the voltage, power, pulse signals, etc., to determine the location of the fault. If the input voltage of the power supply exceeds the limit, the power supply monitoring can be used to measure the network voltage by the voltage meter, or the real-time monitoring by the voltage tester can be used to eliminate other reasons. For example, the problem of azimuth control ring can be used.

(3) PLC interrupt status analysis with programmable controller: when the operator controls the attack, the reason is to stop the memory of the storage method. By using the programmer of the bending machine, the warehouse and block warehouse can be called out and the trouble place can be found out according to the reasons.

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